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by Vantage Team
Today, Vantage announces the launch of Kubernetes Efficiency Reports to allow teams to quickly identify which Kubernetes pods are running inefficiently. These reports are a customized view of Kubernetes idle and total costs based on Cluster, Namespace, and Label. This makes it possible for teams to create dashboards that represent their all-in costs across providers, including Kubernetes, alongside their Kubernetes idle costs.
Before, customers could view Kubernetes idle and total costs on the “Kubernetes” page in the console. From there, they could drill into specific Clusters, Namespaces, and Labels; however, they could not filter on this data, and it was isolated to just this area of Vantage. They also could not add the idle costs to a dashboard alongside Cost Reports.
Now, Vantage customers can persist filters, aggregations, and date ranges in a named report from the “Efficiency Reports” page within the “Kubernetes” section of the product. Once saved, the report can be added to dashboards along with other cost and segment reports. It is also possible to choose whether a report displays idle or total costs by default. This setting will change the data displayed on the graph as well as set the default sort for the table.
Kubernetes Efficiency Report in the Vantage Console
Kubernetes Efficiency Reports are now available to all customers and can be created here. You can also reference the product documentation to help you get started with these reports. If you do not yet have Kubernetes costs imported and would like to get started, view the documentation here.
1. What is being launched today?
Today, Vantage is launching Kubernetes Efficiency Reports. This feature allows customers to filter on their Kubernetes idle and cost data and create reports based on these filters.
2. What dimensions can I filter on in these reports?
You can filter based on Cluster, Namespace, or Label. These labels will include namespace labels and annotations—if enabled in your Kubernetes Agent integration—and are not available with OpenCost.
3. Which dimensions can I aggregate on in these reports?
You can select up to three aggregations for these reports. Cluster, Namespace, and a specific Label Key are supported.
4. Who is the customer?
Any customer who wants to import and visualize Kubernetes pod costs and efficiency metrics. This is useful for customers with shared Kubernetes clusters who want to understand which teams or services are contributing the most to the shared costs. You can read more about our Kubernetes feature set here.
5. If I am using OpenCost instead of the Kubernetes agent, can I use these reports?
Yes, as long as you have the Vantage version of OpenCost with Idle Cost support, the reporting functionality will be available.
6. How do I add a Kubernetes Efficiency Report to a dashboard?
These reports will become available in the Reports dropdown on the dashboard edit page.
7. How do I add/create a new report?
You can visit the Kubernetes section of the product and click Efficiency Reports in the side navigation.
8. What data is visualized on a Kubernetes Efficiency Report?
You can see total costs, idle costs, and cost efficiency % on every report. When modifying a report, you can select idle costs or total costs to be displayed on the graph. Selecting one of these options will also make those costs the default sort for the table.
9. How long does it take for Kubernetes costs to be available?
Agent usage data is uploaded several times throughout the day and, as before, updated within the Vantage platform nightly. However, Kubernetes costs will not be calculated until the costs from the cluster’s corresponding infrastructure provider are available. This often takes 48 hours to be complete.
10. Can I use saved filters with Efficiency Reports?
Not at this time. Although, we do plan to add this in the future.
11. How does Vantage calculate these costs?
You can read more about how Vantage calculates idle and total costs here.
12. Is the Kubernetes cost data available via the API?
Kubernetes total cost data is available via the Cost Reports API endpoint. Idle costs are not yet available via the API, but we do plan to add these in the future.
13. Can I create Efficiency Reports via Terraform?
Not at this time; however, this feature is on our roadmap.
14. If I use teams, can I restrict access to a report?
Yes, the “Manage Access” option is available for Efficiency Reports.
15. How can I transition from using OpenCost to the new agent?
You can follow these instructions for migrating.
Vantage announces support for ClickHouse Cloud costs in the Vantage console. Vantage customers can now see their overall ClickHouse Cloud costs alongside their other infrastructure providers.
Users can now programmatically retrieve forecasted cloud spend based on their current usage trends.
Users can now programmatically create reports to analyze the source and destination of network traffic that contributes to cloud costs with Network Flow Reports, as well as generate a unified view of all AWS financial commitments with Financial Commitment Reports.