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by Vantage Team
Today, Vantage announces the general availability of support for GitHub costs via the newly launched GitHub Enhanced Billing API, allowing Vantage customers to track costs for GitHub services, such as Actions, Large File Storage, Copilot, Codespaces, and Packages in one place. Customers can now programmatically grant Vantage access to GitHub billing data for any number of GitHub organizations from the Integrations page, and Vantage will automatically ingest and visualize the costs accordingly.
GitHub Actions cost and usage by repository
Previously, due to limitations from the billing APIs from GitHub, customers tracked GitHub costs in Vantage by providing access to their GitHub billing data by inviting a Vantage-owned email address as a billing administrator to their account. This billing user allowed Vantage to download the detailed usage CSV, which was ingested and visualized in the Vantage console. This had many limitations, such as inability to use the integration if utilizing SSO authentication in GitHub.
Now, with the launch of support for GitHub costs using GitHub Enhanced Billing APIs, Vantage customers can install the billing-vantage-sh GitHub application in their GitHub organization, and automate the ingestion and visualization of GitHub costs alongside their infrastructure costs. Customers can see cost and usage, such as per-repository billing for Actions, Copilot UserMonths, and GigabyteHours of Shared Storage.
This feature is now available to all Vantage customers. To get started, navigate to the Integrations page, in the console, and select GitHub. To learn more about how to get set up, see the Vantage documentation.
1. What is being launched today?
Today, Vantage is launching GitHub Costs Support via GitHub Enhanced Billing APIs. Customers can now track the costs for GitHub Actions, Large File Storage, Copilot, Codespaces, and Packages alongside their other infrastructure costs.
2. Who can use GitHub Costs in Vantage?
Any Vantage customer that is using GitHub services today and has been migrated to the Enhanced Billing API can use this integration. GitHub started migrating customers to their new billing platform September 2024, with all accounts being migrated by the end of March 2025.
3. How do I know if I have been migrated to the GitHub Enhanced Billing API?
The new GitHub Enhanced Billing platform is available to:
To validate that you have been moved to the Enhanced Billing Platform:
4. How much does this integration cost?
There is no additional cost for GitHub support; however, GitHub costs will be included in quota tier enforcement. In the event that your GitHub costs push you over your current tier limit, you may be prompted to upgrade. For details on pricing, see the Pricing page.
5. How does the GitHub Costs integration in Vantage work?
Customers can integrate Vantage with their GitHub Organization by installing the GitHub App Billing - vantage-sh. Once installed, Vantage can access cost and usage data from the Enhanced Billing /usage API, which provides structured cost data for GitHub Actions, such as build minutes by user, repo, and workflow, as well as the associated infrastructure used to perform the build.
6. What permissions must I have in GitHub in order to complete this integration
You must be a GitHub Organization Owner in order to install the billing-vantage-sh GitHub application.
7. What permissions must I have in order to perform the GitHub integration within Vantage?
You must have the Owner or Integration Owner role in Vantage in order to perform the GitHub integration.
Integration Owner
8. What permissions does Vantage have to my GitHub account?
Access to the GitHub Enhanced Billing APIs requires "Administration" organization permissions (read) as noted in their documentation.
"Administration" organization permissions (read)
9. If my organization uses SSO to authenticate in GitHub, can I use this integration?
Yes, you can use this GitHub integration if you use SSO to authenticate in GitHub.
10. Can I integrate multiple GitHub organizations to Vantage?
Yes, if you want to integrate multiple GitHub organizations, you can install the GitHub app in each organization through the Vantage integration settings.
11. What can I filter GitHub costs by in Cost Reports?
The following filter and group by dimensions are available on GitHub Cost Reports:
12. How can I allocate the infrastructure costs for my self-hosted runners?
Customers can create a Cost Report that includes both GitHub costs and the EC2 or EKS costs, based on tags or labels.
13. Will historical cost data for GitHub be available?
Yes, when following the integration setup, Vantage will request 180 days of historical usage data from GitHub. Note that the cost and usage data from the GitHub Enhanced Billing APIs starts the day that GitHub migrates you to this new standard. Any historical data prior to this is accessible only via the previous form of the GitHub integration.
14. Will I have to adopt the new integration, or can I leave my existing integration as-is?
Once GitHub migrates you to the Enhanced Billing API, the previous Vantage GitHub integration will stop receiving updated data, as Vantage is no longer able to retrieve the CSV that was being used for cost and usage data. You can leave your previous integration for historical billing data if you wish to retain it.
15. Will I automatically be migrated to the new API if I have an existing Vantage GitHub integration?
No, Vantage does not have a way of migrating customers on your behalf. You will need to install the billing-vantage-sh in your Organization to use the new GitHub integration.
16. Are there any Active Resources available for GitHub?
There are no Active Resources available for GitHub.
17. Will GitHub costs be represented in the Overview page?
Yes, GitHub costs are represented in the Overview page and present in the Provider Summary widget.
18. I’ve just added a GitHub integration. How long will it take for my cost data to be present in the Vantage console?
GitHub costs will be ingested and processed as soon as you add the integration. It usually takes less than 15 minutes to ingest GitHub costs. As soon as they are processed, they will be available on your All Resources Cost Report.
19. How often does GitHub data refresh in the Vantage console?
GitHub data refreshes daily in the Vantage console.
20. What happens if I remove a GitHub integration?
If you decide to remove your GitHub integration from Vantage, all costs associated with your connected GitHub Organizations will be removed from the Vantage console.
21. What other cloud service providers is Vantage adding?
Vantage is planning on adding support for Cloudflare, Twilio, and Vercel. Please contact support@vantage.sh with other providers you’d like to see added.
Vantage integrates with cur.vantage.sh to enable more clarity into AWS billing codes by linking to description pages for every AWS billing code.
Vantage is launching support for Re-Rating Tiered Discounts for MSP Managed Accounts. Vantage MSP customers can now re-calculate tiered pricing at a customer level, re-creating the pricing model customers would receive purchasing directly from a cloud provider, as well as removing free tier usage from newly created accounts.
Vantage is launching Nested Virtual Tags, which allows customers to use Virtual Tags within the definition of other Virtual Tags.