Vantage is adding usage data to the Vantage API. Customers who use the Vantage API can now programmatically query for usage data to view their infrastructure consumption in non-monetary metrics.
AWS saved Lambda customers a lot of money with these new features.
A playbook for fixing unused discounts on AWS.
Cost and Usage reports provide the most detailed billing data available on AWS.
Cost Reports will automatically amortize upfront payments day-by-day for the period of the upfront fee.
Autopilot Controls give customers the ability to view and adjust settings for Autopilot to fine-tune reserved instance purchases.
Now Vantage will display your budget data right alongside spend and forecasts so you can easily track your spend to plan inside of one tool.
Most businesses have certain queries that drive a majority of their costs. We cover methods to identify and track them.
Snowflake costs, including cost per query and per user, are now available in Vantage.
Detail Pages are dedicated webpages for each EC2 and RDS instance.