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by Vantage Team
Today Vantage announces an integration with Terraform Cloud in partnership with HashiCorp. Vantage is an official launch partner for HashiCorp’s new Run Task API which has just been announced. HashiCorp customers can now have Vantage directly post their infrastructure costs to their Terraform Cloud workspace as often as they make infrastructure changes.
HashiCorp’s new Run Tasks API gives Terraform Cloud customers the ability to integrate third party services to post relevant information back to Terraform Cloud. As a result, customers can quickly associate a Vantage workspace with a Terraform Cloud workspace and, as often as a run is done, Vantage can post two types of advisory summaries.
Output from Vantage after two run tasks have completed in Terraform Cloud.
Customers can choose to have either the Cost Summary & Forecast integration, the Cost Recommendation integration, or both integrations within a single Terraform Cloud Workspace.
There is no additional charge to this integration and it is available to all users as part of their existing Vantage subscriptions including customers in our free tier. Learn more in the Vantage documentation on Run Tasks or read the official HashiCorp announcement.
1. What is being launched today?
Today, Vantage is announcing a partnership with HashiCorp for Terraform Cloud whereby Terraform Cloud customers can integrate directly with Vantage to have cloud costs posted to Terraform Cloud as often as they make changes to their infrastructure. There are two types of cost summaries that can be provided within Terraform Cloud:
2. Who is the customer?
Any HashiCorp customer leveraging Terraform Cloud that also has a Vantage account.
3. How much does this cost?
There is no additional cost to this service. It is provided for free to all Vantage users as part of their existing subscription.
4. Who is HashiCorp?
HashiCorp is a company that provides software for enterprises to automate provisioning of cloud infrastructure. They are a publicly traded company that helps organizations of all sizes manage their cloud infrastructure.
5. What is Terraform Cloud?
Terraform Cloud is HashiCorp’s hosted solution for teams to manage and collaborate on provisioning cloud infrastructure.
6. I am a Terraform Cloud user. How do I setup this integration?
Instructions for setting up this integration can be found here and take about 5 minutes to setup: https://docs.vantage.sh/terraform_cloud_integration/
There is no additional infrastructure required to provision or costs associated with running this integration.
7. How does the Terraform Cloud Run Tasks API that this integration is built off of work?
The Run Task API introduced by HashiCorp allows Terraform Cloud to make secured calls out to third-party providers. After a Terraform Cloud customer completes the steps for integrating Vantage into Terraform Cloud, Terraform Cloud will call out to Vantage as often as a run is done to retrieve and post relevant cost information and make it visible in the Terraform Cloud workspace. Links will be provided back to the Vantage console for customers to perform further analysis.
8. What kind of information will Vantage post to Terraform Cloud when this integration is made?
Vantage supports both Recommendation and Cost integrations and each support clicking “Details” for more information.
Examples of of each cost summary are copied below:
9. Is this integration secure?
Yes. Vantage leverages Terraform Cloud’s HMAC authentication scheme. Using your Workspace API Key as the HMAC Key in Terraform Cloud Vantage will authenticate the request and verify the integrity of the payload. Read more in our documentation for a step-by-step guide on how to use your Workspace API.
10. How does Vantage associate costs with my Terraform workspace?
By default, Vantage will be posting costs from your “All Resources” cost report. In the future, we’ll allow for you to select different cost reports from which to post from that will allow you to see specific costs for a specific set of filters which you set.
Vantage announces support for ClickHouse Cloud costs in the Vantage console. Vantage customers can now see their overall ClickHouse Cloud costs alongside their other infrastructure providers.
Users can now programmatically retrieve forecasted cloud spend based on their current usage trends.
Users can now programmatically create reports to analyze the source and destination of network traffic that contributes to cloud costs with Network Flow Reports, as well as generate a unified view of all AWS financial commitments with Financial Commitment Reports.