Vantage Launches Support for Temporal Cloud

by Vantage Team

Vantage Launches Support for Temporal Cloud

Today, Vantage announces support for Temporal Cloud costs in the Vantage console, allowing Vantage customers to track their costs and usage of Temporal Cloud alongside their other infrastructure providers. Customers can add any number of Temporal Cloud accounts from the Integrations page, and Vantage will automatically ingest and visualize the costs accordingly.

Customers use Temporal Cloud as an orchestration platform to build reliable, scalable, and fault-tolerant applications. Temporal Cloud costs are billed as a single invoice based on two factors: the total number of Actions and the amount of storage used. Actions are a unit of consumption that represent activity, such as starting Workflows or sending Signals. Customers often want more visibility into their Temporal Cloud costs by namespace and how those costs fit alongside their broader cloud spend.

Temporal Cloud usage report grouped by Subcategory

Now, customers can grant Vantage access to their Temporal Cloud usage data via the Usage endpoint of the Temporal Cloud Operations API. Upon granting access, Vantage will ingest usage line items, which are used to calculate overall costs. Filters in Vantage have been expanded to allow filtering on Temporal Cloud costs with dimensions such as Temporal account, usage category (Actions or Storage), subcategory (Active Storage, Retained Storage), and namespace. By filtering for Temporal Cloud and infrastructure provider resources, users can see total application deployment costs in one view.

The Temporal Cloud integration is now available to all customers. To connect your Temporal Cloud account to Vantage, head to the Integrations page of account settings. You can read more about this integration in the Temporal Cloud section of the Vantage documentation.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is being launched today?

Today, Vantage is announcing support for Temporal Cloud costs. Vantage users can now connect Vantage to their Temporal Cloud accounts using an API key, and costs will automatically be ingested and visualized within Vantage from the corresponding account.

2. Who can use Temporal Cloud costs in Vantage?

Any Vantage customer that uses Temporal Cloud can use this integration.

3. How much does this integration cost?

There is no additional cost for the Temporal Cloud integration; however, Temporal Cloud costs will be included in quota tier enforcement. In the event that your Temporal Cloud costs push you over your current tier limit, you may be prompted to upgrade. To see more details on pricing, please refer to the Pricing page.

4. How does the Temporal Cloud integration in Vantage work?

Vantage uses a service account with the Finance Admin role and its associated API key to connect to Temporal Cloud. After authorizing Vantage access to your Temporal Cloud account, Vantage will begin ingesting data using the Usage API. All credentials are encrypted. Vantage then uses the data from the Usage API to calculate costs based on public price sheets available from Temporal Cloud.

5. What permissions are required to create the Vantage and Temporal Cloud integration?

You must have an Account Owner role in Temporal Cloud in order to create a dedicated service account for the Vantage integration, assign it the Finance Admin role, and create the associated API key.

Note that at the time of publishing this blog, Temporal Cloud API keys can be configured to be valid for up to 2 years, after which you will need to rotate your Temporal Cloud API key in Vantage.

6. Does Vantage have write access to my Temporal Cloud account?

No, Vantage uses the Finance Admin role from Temporal Cloud, which has the same permissions as Account Read-Only users, with additional permissions to view billing information and update payment information. Vantage will never perform any actions to change your payment method. We recommend customers submit a feature request to Temporal Cloud for improved permission scoping, and Vantage will adopt fine-grained permissions if this becomes available.

7. How are Temporal Cloud costs calculated?

When performing the Temporal Cloud integration, you will be prompted to enter custom rates for Actions, Active Storage, and Retained Storage. Vantage will default to public pricing and the base price for Actions (under 5M Actions per month). If you use over 5M Actions per month, but are not on a Temporal Cloud private rate card, you can calculate your blended rates by dividing your total costs by the consumed usage from your bill. (Note: Action rates are measured in millions of actions; Storage rates are measured in Gigabyte-Hours.) If you are on a negotiated rate card for Temporal Cloud, simply enter your enterprise’s rate. The custom rates entered in Settings will be multiplied by the amounts of usage returned from the Temporal Cloud Usage API to calculate your costs. Your custom rates can be changed at any time on the Settings page of the Temporal Cloud integration.

8. What happens when I change my blended rate for Temporal Cloud?

When you change your custom rate, your historical data will be reprocessed with your updated rate, and any Cost Report with Temporal Cloud costs will display the rate you have input. All future costs that are imported will use the same custom rate.

9. Will taxes, discounts, credits, and refunds be reflected in my Temporal Cloud costs?

No, the Temporal Cloud Usage API only returns usage information, which Vantage uses to calculate spend, and does not include separate line items for taxes, discounts, or credits. You can choose whether these line items are included in your calculated cost based on the blended rate you input in the integration settings.

10. Does Vantage represent usage that is covered by committed spend?

Vantage does not have insights into what is covered by committed spend; all costs are shown based on the blended rate provided in the integration settings.

11. Does Vantage include Temporal Cloud Plan costs or Support Fees?

No, Vantage does not include Plan Costs as a part of Temporal Cloud costs. Vantage customers can use the Custom Providers integration to represent their costs that are outside their usage costs. Customers can then use Cost-Based and Business Metrics-Based Cost Allocation to allocate these costs across teams.

12. What dimensions can Temporal Cloud costs be filtered and grouped by?

The following filter and group by dimensions are available on Temporal Cloud Cost Reports:

  • Organization (i.e., Temporal Cloud organization name)
  • Service (e.g., Temporal Cloud)
  • Charge Type (e.g., Usage)
  • Category (e.g., Actions)
  • Subcategory (e.g., Retained Storage)
  • Resource ID (e.g., Namespace)
  • Tags (Virtual Tags created in Vantage)

13. How can I use Virtual Tags to associate my Temporal Cloud Namespaces with my existing Infrastructure costs?

Virtual Tags can be used within Vantage to group costs across multiple providers with a Virtual Tag key, such as Team. When creating a Virtual Tag, Temporal Cloud Namespaces can be accessed via the Resource filter for Temporal Cloud. See the following FinOps as Code tutorial for steps on how to create Temporal Cloud Virtual Tags for Namespaces using Terraform.

14. Will historical cost data for Temporal Cloud be available?

Yes, after the integration is complete, two full months plus the current month to date of historical cost data will be imported from Temporal. Historical data will be priced at the custom rate given in the Integration Settings. Vantage will retain cost and usage data to match your retention period for all providers.

15. Are there any active resources available for Temporal Cloud?

Support for Temporal Cloud Namespaces as Active Resources will be available soon.

16. Will Temporal Cloud costs be represented in the Overview page?

Yes, Temporal costs are represented in the Overview page and present in the Provider Summary widget.

17. How long will it take for my Temporal Cloud cost data to be present in the Vantage console?

Costs will be ingested and processed as soon as you add the integration. It usually takes less than 15 minutes to ingest Temporal Cloud costs. As soon as they are processed, they will be available on your All Resources Cost Report.

18. How often does Temporal Cloud data refresh in the Vantage console?

Temporal Cloud data is refreshed daily in the Vantage console.

19. What happens if I remove a Temporal Cloud integration?

If you decide to remove your Temporal Cloud integration from Vantage, all costs associated with your Temporal Cloud API key will be removed from Vantage.

20. Can I have multiple Temporal Cloud integrations?

Yes, you can have multiple Temporal Cloud integrations by providing API keys for multiple accounts.

21. Can I view usage data for Temporal Cloud?

Yes, usage data is available for Temporal Cloud, such as number of Actions consumed or Gigabyte-Hours of storage.

22. Can I break down Actions into Signals, Queries, Workflows, etc.?

No, at this time, the Temporal API does not break down Actions into more granular usage types.

23. What other cloud service providers is Vantage adding?

Vantage is planning on adding support for CloudflareTwilio, and Vercel. Please contact with other providers you’d like to see added.